Social & Emotional

Intelligence Coaching

The most successful people in work and in life have the ability to effectively manage themselves and their relationships with others.

Social and emotional intelligence (SEI) is about being aware of ourselves and others, in the moment, and using that awareness to manage ourselves (our behavior, our responses to stressful or challenging situations), and manage our relationships with others.

Unfortunately, we see it most when it’s lacking – think of the supervisor who explodes when a a team member makes a mistake, or the co-worker whom no one trusts. These people are limited by their SEI skills.

The good news? SEI can be learned and strengthened throughout our lives. It’s never too late to develop these essential skills for yourself, and your team, and the fastest way to enhance SEI skills is through coaching.

“Michelle’s guidance throughout our coaching partnership was instrumental to my leadership journey. I especially appreciated her authenticity during our coaching sessions.

I gained valuable insights about how my emotional self-awareness shows up in my leadership, and about building trust in ways I hadn’t considered before. The tools she shared as part of my development plan were immediately useful.”

MTSS and SEL Specialist, VA